Monday, December 30, 2019

Its Complicated Shakespeares Othello - 1450 Words

People do idiotic things. No matter how hard you try and how careful you think you may be, you are bound to make mistakes sometime in your life. Whether it is as small as spelling a word wrong or to as large as causing someone or somethings demise even though it may not entirely be their fault. In the Shakespearean play Othello, Iago is seen as a ruthless, power hungry man who wants to see Othello burn. Othello on the other hand appears to be a wise general who only has one weakness in particular: Desdemona. He is flat out head over heels for her which Iago uses to his advantage through the green eyed monster itself: jealousy. Jealousy is one of the main themes within the play, and plays a very important role in the tragic outcome where†¦show more content†¦During one of Iagos monologues, we begin to how mischievous his mind really works while revising his plan on getting back at Othello, which he proclaims : nothing can or shall content my soul Till I am evend with him, wif e for wife, Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor At least into a jealousy so strong That judgment cannot cure (II.i.307-311) At this point within the play we only have an introduction into Iagos manipulative side, considering how Iago will use Othellos passion towards Desdemona against him through the use of a rather large theme with the play jealousy. Fast tracking all the way to act four, we see one of the most cleverly executed methods of building Othellos jealousy through the use of miscommunication. During this situation, Iago speaks with Cassio about Bianca, causing Cassio to jokingly answer the questions with some laughs and inappropriate statements but what he doesnt realize is Othello is listening in with the mindset (implanted by Iago) that they speak of Desdemona instead (IV.I.110-158) . This plays an important factor into how Othello acts for the rest of the play as he finally first handed gets the proof that he is looking. This appears to be the turning point for Othello, when here after he completely changes; he becomes too deep into jealousy that there seems to be no return. Soon after that conversation,Show MoreRelatedIago Vs. Moriarty: an Argumentative Comparison1364 Words   |  6 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Othello, the antagonist Iago shows evil motivations towards the protagonist Othello that could be considered obsessive. This pattern of behavior can be compared to the BBC television rendition of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes and its antagonist Moriarty. 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