Sunday, August 23, 2020

Executive compensation as a Macroeconomics topic Essay

Official remuneration as a Macroeconomics theme - Essay Example With respect to the promoters of free market economy, business cycles are ordinary (McConnell and Brue 134). In any case, during the previous years, its capacity to address itself is being put to address thus the need to apply other agents’ help was seen. Macroeconomic vacillations influence corporations’ execution through interest and cost conditions (Oxelheim, Wihlborg and Zhang, par.1). Nowadays, CEOs and elevated level chiefs are being recruited by organizations to help them in their activities. Obviously, their administrations won't be for nothing out of pocket, in actuality, they are generously compensated. Be that as it may, issues emerge on the grounds that they are currently observed as contributing elements to the enormous expense for organizations causing disequilibrium. Many accept that U.S. official remuneration is seriously out of balance (Paulin 1). This is a direct result of the high pay that these administrators charge comparable to their administration s rendered to the organizations. The harmony in the market is being upset by the broadening hole in the pace of official remuneration and others doing likewise occupations in different pieces of the world just as the typical workers. On the off chance that in any case, CEOs and chiefs are utilized to help understand the defects of the market but since of the a lot of cost of remuneration they ask which is likewise accepted to be out of balance, they are signifying the disappointments of the free market framework.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Social Contract Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Social Contract Theory - Research Paper Example Locke hypothesis of implicit agreement tested some regular types of government like holy places and rulers since they give little significance and capacity to the people. He proposes his significant perspectives about the implicit agreement hypothesis and political framework in his composing Two Treatises on Government. In these works he clarified are insight concerning his perspectives about the freedom and intensity of the people inside the state. He accepts that the State of Nature is an ideal state since it gives due freedom to the individuals for their activities and choice. Simultaneously, it likewise offers capacity to the state in regards to managing the individuals and their activities that are not in the general great of the individuals (Barker, 1980). The implicit agreement hypothesis is accepted to be one of the establishment stone of the American political framework and it is generally accepted that the fundamental highlights of the US Bill of rights, criminal equity fra mework are likewise profoundly impacted from the implicit understanding hypothesis. As clarified by the implicit agreement hypothesis, the US bill of right additionally endeavors to make a harmony between opportunity, rights, and commitments to coordinate the activities of the people towards the general great of the general public. The hypothesis introduced by Locke additionally explain that all the individuals are equivalent and they have equivalent opportunity and rights in the general public with no separation and inclinations. Since the law of nature is the base of all the profound quality, the individuals are additionally expected to follow the standards of ethical quality inside their activities and political decisions.... At the point when they understand that the administration isn't satisfying the ideal job they additionally have the ability to cancel the legislature that don't work for their advantages (Leonard, 1988). Locke hypothesis of implicit understanding tested some traditional types of government like temples and rulers since they give little significance and capacity to the people. He proposes his significant perspectives about the implicit agreement hypothesis and political framework in his composing Two Treatises on Government. In these compositions he clarified are insight regarding his perspectives about the freedom and intensity of the people inside the state. He accepts that the State of Nature is immaculate state since it gives due freedom to the individuals for their activities and choice. Simultaneously, it additionally offers capacity to the state in regards to managing the individuals and their activities that are not in general great of the individuals (Barker, 1980). The impli cit understanding hypothesis is accepted to be one of the establishment stone of the American political framework and it is broadly accepted that the principle highlights of the US Bill of rights, criminal equity framework are likewise exceptionally affected from the implicit agreement hypothesis. As clarified by the implicit agreement hypothesis, the US bill of right additionally endeavors to make balance between opportunity, rights and commitments to coordinate the activities of the people towards the general great of the general public. The hypothesis introduced by Locke additionally explain that all the individuals are equivalent and they have equivalent opportunity and rights in the general public with no separation and biasness. Since the law of nature is the base of all the profound quality, the individuals are likewise expected to follow the standards of

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How to answer supporting evidence questions

If youve looked at the redesigned PSAT or SATs, youve probably noticed that the reading section now includes a number of supporting evidence sets that is, pairs of questions in which the second question asks which lines provide the best evidence for the answer to the previous question. The first  thing to understand about these questions is that they are not really about  evidence in the usual sense. Rather they are comprehension  questions asked two different ways. The answer to the second question simply indicates where in the passage the answer the first question appears. So although paired questions may look very complicated, that appearance is deceiving. The correct answer to the first question must appear in one of the four sets of lines in the second question. As a result, the easiest way to approach these questions is usually to plug the line references from the second question into the first question. Thus a question set that looks like this: The author of Passage 1 indicates that space mining could have which positive effect? A) It could yield materials important to Earth’s economy. B) It could raise the value of some precious metals on Earth. C) It could create unanticipated technological innovations. D) It could change scientists’ understanding of space resources. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question? A) Lines 18-22 (â€Å"Within . . . lanthanum†) B) Lines 24-28 (â€Å"They . . . projects†) C) Lines 29-30 (â€Å"In this . . . commodity†) D) Lines 41-44 (â€Å"Companies . . . machinery†) Can be rewritten like this: The author of Passage 1 indicates that space mining could have which positive effect? A) Lines 18-22 (â€Å"Within . . . lanthanum†) B) Lines 24-28 (â€Å"They . . . projects†) C) Lines 29-30 (â€Å"In this . . . commodity†) D) Lines 41-44 (â€Å"Companies . . . machinery†) Then plug in each of the answers (making sure to read a little before/after for context as necessary) to see which set of lines provides the answer to the first question. When you find the lines that  meet this criterion, you have the answers to  both questions. Note that in order to apply this strategy effectively, you must know that supporting evidence questions are coming. I would strongly suggest that you look  through all the questions before you start working through them  and simply bracket all of the evidence pairs so that you dont get caught off guard. To be clear, this is unlikely to be the  best approach for every single paired question set; there will probably  be situations (especially those involving paired passages) in which it is faster/easier to answer the questions in order.  If you are a strong reader, you will need to decide for yourself on a case-by-case basis. If you struggle with these questions and/or find them confusing, however, theres a good chance that working this way will help  keep yourself on track.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Religion Should Not Be Allowed in Public Schools - 1293 Words

While students are attending public schools they should be aware of their religion options. The student should have the right to practice their religion as they please, just on the own time. Yes, religion plays a huge part in molding a person but, should be practiced when the time is available, not in a classroom setting. The government should have the ability to control the protection of the students that just want to learn. The capability to regulate the religious practices while attending public educational institutions should be left to the government. Faith, religion and belief, usually are three words that are used to describe one situation, although these words have three different meanings. To have faith in something or someone you†¦show more content†¦Thoreau wants everyone to have his or hers own voice. The importance of standing up for what one person believes, even when everyone around that person states he or she is wrong, is substantial to that someone’s belief. Having the will power to show courage is more than joining the majority. Everyone in the United States has the freedom to religion, the freedom to believe what he or she wants to believe in. In an article in USA Today, the opinions of Senator Dennis Kruse, and Andrew Seidel, staff attorney for the Freedom from Religion Foundation, were addressed. Sen. Kruse wrote a bill, seeking the Lord’s Prayer in public schools. The Senator writes this bill stating, â€Å"school districts to require the recitation of the Lords Prayer, though individual students could opt out if they or their parents preferred† (USA Today). Senator Kruse allowed the option for the students to partake in this prayer but still required it for all districts. Students throughout the public school could feel uncomfortable and uneasy. What the Senator fails to recognize is that all student are not aware of the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer, yet alone the religious connection that it represents. Mr. Andrew Seidel expresses his concern about this bill by stating: Bullying is a huge issue in schools right now, and to have students have to out themselves (by refusing to go along with a prayer they dont believe in) is going to open the whole atheist community up to bullying.Show MoreRelatedReligion in Public Schools Essay1131 Words   |  5 PagesDefinition: Religion in school is the practice of any personal religious beliefs in a place of education. Introduction: In recent years teaching or the individual practice of religion in school has become a very controversial topic. There are many different views on this matter and even more opinions on how it should be handled. There are people on both sides of the spectrum, there are those who believe that it should be taught and allowed in school, and there are those who believe it should not beRead MoreThe Constitutionality of Prayer in Public Schools Essay698 Words   |  3 Pagesin public schools, while others think that people should be able to express their religion in their own ways. In public schools, they are not allowed to hold prayers at all during the school day due to the mixed religion students that are attending the school. Over the past few years, this has become an extremely controversial issue in our nation. Many people find it proper to pray in school but many people also agree that it is extremely wrong and that if there is going to be pray in school, everyRead More Religion i n Public Schools - More Questions than Answers Essay examples1161 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers    Censorship is a very broad topic.   Is it good or bad?   Often, we ask ourselves if such things need to exist because of the First Amendment right.   It states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.   (AmendmentsRead MorePublic Schools Should Not Be The Place For Religious Practices1601 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the many foundations of the United States as a nation was religion. When people fled their homes in search of a new place, one of the many reasons was due to religious freedom. Almost immediately conflicts arose between religions, and their belief systems. No problems seem to arise with teaching religion to children in school until the 1900 s. That is when the courts decided religious instructions in public schools would be deemed unc onstitutional. Court cases started around the country withRead MoreReligion in School: Publicized or Privatized? Essay example1353 Words   |  6 Pagesmay follow a religion or worship a higher power. Not everyone follows the same religion as there are twelve major religions and over 1,200 around the world (Wilson, 2006, p.11). Having religion included in the public school system is one of the most difficult issues to debate. When should the separation of church and state come into play? The fact that not everyone holds the same religious faith brings up the question of whether religion should be either public or privatized in schools. This essayRead MoreFreedom of Religion in Public Schools1748 Words   |  7 Pagespractice of religion in school has become a very controversial topic. There are many different views on this matter and even more opinions on how it should be handled. There are people on both sides of the spectrum, there are those who believe that it should be tau ght and allowed in school, and there are those who believe it should not be taught or practiced in school. There have been cases brought to court about how religion should be taken out of schools, or if it should be allowed. There areRead MoreShould Prayer Be Allowed? School?1623 Words   |  7 Pagesprayer should be allowed in school. On the flip side to that those that feel the government does not have enough power and tend to disagree with pear being allowed in school. Based off articles researched and statistics gathered as well summarized it can be determined that those that are of the conservative and or republican party tend to feel that the government should not have a say in prayer in school. This may be because of religious preference or their belief that government should not haveRead MoreReligious Speech And Symbolism Should Be Permissible On Public Property1236 Words   |  5 Pagesthe one who allowed us to wake up each day. They are fighting against our first Amend ment Law. Many claim that by praying, we are forcing religion on students, but that’s not the case. Many parents that are religious will never understand why our kids are not participating in prayer activities in our public schools. Let’s stop overlooking our First Amendment Law as individuals. The First Amendment Law clearly states that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibitingRead MorePrayer in Schools Essay1215 Words   |  5 PagesPrayer in Public School There are many different philosophies regarding prayer in public school. It seems to be a difficult issue to decide upon. The opinions are wide-ranging and convoluted. This paper will attempt to highlight the many ideas and opinions as to whether prayers in public school should be allowed and to what extent. It will further show how our founders idea of a separate church and state has been taken out of context and why prayer in school should be allowed, but not requiredRead More Religion In Public Schools Essay1444 Words   |  6 Pages Religion in Public Schools nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......Ó according to the First Amendment of the Constitution. This idea of freedom of religion has been stated very clearly, but it also raises questions about the meaning of religious freedom . Should religious expression be excluded from all government activities? Has separation of church and state been violated by the U.S. Treasury

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief Note On Sex And Gender, Online - 1108 Words

Underestimated Brandi Mitchiner Sociology 341 – Sex and Gender, Online Professor Rosemary Anzini-Varesio March 25, 2016 Underestimated Uneducated If you asked me 10 years ago why I decided to skip college and spend my 20s working instead of studying and socializing, I would have lied. My answer was always, â€Å"I hated school. Why should I pay to sit in classes when I can be paid for working?† In reality, my fear of not being smart enough due to negative remarks from relatives, and people I considered friends, discouraged me from applying for any colleges while I was in high school. It took over ten years and a long talk with a good friend for me to enroll in classes at 29 years old. Growing up, college was never a topic of discussion. I was raised by a single mother who had me when she was still in high school and my sibling on her twenty-third birthday. I was only ever told, â€Å"Graduate from high school, child-free, and get a job. You don’t need college and I can’t afford to send you anywhere.† Years later, I was told by another family member that I was my mother’s dream killer; being pregnant with me caused her to lose the scholarship she’d earned and prevented her from attending the school of her dreams. My mom worked hard to provide for myself and my sister and has had a long, successful career with a high salary. I believe this to be partially because she felt that she had to give us a good childhood. Unfortunately, to be considered a burden, someone who mayShow MoreRelatedSocial Media As Forms Of Electronic Communication1372 Words   |  6 PagesMedia Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines social media as forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (videos). Numerous ethical issues are associated with the use of Social Media. First social media sites share private and professional information. It appears lives of the people are on display. There are no private or professional boundariesRead MoreThe New England Journal Of Medicine Essay1454 Words   |  6 PagesBut sexual transmission was diagnosed in Ohio in a list of male sex coadjutor of one male who had experienced to Puerto Rico.27. In any accident, it s decisive to give each man who has see with one instruction about lesbianism, bisexuality and the manifestation-out procedure, sexual traduce, sexual addiction, kindred-of-rise spring, and manner malady that could assist to the solicit to have sex with men. The New England Journal of Medicine described one division in San Francisco where 38 percentRead MoreEssay on Formal Analysis of Iconic Images: Wonder Woman 1515 Words   |  7 Pagesclassified as a sexual icon as well. Through the examining of Wonder Woman’s body type, one can easily expressed that her body and costume had been expressed in a number of changes from the golden age to the present (The Silver Age). For example, DiPaolo notes that in All Stars Comics #8, the issue embellishes certain reactions from other women that range from pure outrage to her revealing flesh to envy of her curvaceous body . Wonder Woman’s costume is another factor. Her costume displays American nationalistRead MoreAlgorithmic Decisionmaking : Finish Title Here1460 Words   |  6 Pagescorporate uses of big data to make decisions that could be personally intrusive, harm or discriminate against individuals. The Wall Street Journal ran a report about pricing by, in which the company†™s algorithm was changing its pricing online after estimating a user’s location relative to a Staples’ competitor. In another instance, Target came under fire for its marketing algorithm accurately sending a teenager information about pregnancy. As a result, when polled, 51 percent of AmericansRead MoreEssay Language is Power—Sexist Patriarchal Power1741 Words   |  7 Pagesmyth passed down from the ancient Greeks. Their leaders used the art of language to create a dichotomy between men and women, in order to retain power (Lecture Notes 2 Dec. 2011). For example, the two words we use to describe gender, masculine and feminine, limit us with their strict definitions. Sociologist Allan G. Johnson, in his The Gender Knot, defines â€Å"[masculine as] aggressive, daring, rational, emotionally inexpressive, strong, cool headed, in control of themselves, independent, active, objectiveRead MoreFinal Exam Review1463 Words   |  6 PagesComm 1332 Comprehensive Exam Review To thoroughly prepare for your exam, the following review process is recommended: 1. Review lecture notes and powerpoint files for each chapter (copies on webct). 2. Practice OUTLINING (coordinating and subordinating: framing main point/subpoint/sub-subpoint information). 3. Finally, specific knowledge of the following will prove useful: 1. The 3 purposes of public speaking To inform, to persuade, to entertain 2. The 9 elements that affect publicRead MoreThe Problem Of Female Foeticide Essay3570 Words   |  15 Pageswhich only some are able to receive. What- What we decided to do was to take a stand for those that are having to face the crisis of Female Foeticide. It is one of the worst cases of gender inequality. We believe that all humans are equal and they should not be killed for being different or because of their gender. Female Foeticide is against many of the human rights and that is why there are quite a lot of charities around the country that are running for those in need. There are many NGO‟s thatRead MoreThe Wrong Body Essay4944 Words   |  20 Pagespsychosocial stress of the experiences of many transgender people (e.g., Mason-Schrock 1996; Prosser, 1998). ‘Wrong body’ is employed accordingly to elucidate how an individual’s biological sex and body do not match his or her gender identity, a â€Å"person’s basic sense of being male, female, or of indeterminate sex† (American Psychological Association [APA], 2009, p. 28). Recently in the ABC (a well-recognized American broadcas ting company) prime-time television special, American hero of the 1976 SummerRead MoreHuman Sexuality2732 Words   |  11 Pagesnot sexually active just for the sake of reproduction, rather, there are a variety of complex factors that lead people to have sex. Human Sexuality. Human sexuality is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings (Rathus et al., 1993). There are many factors that help develop our sexuality, arguably one of the most important, is our actual gender. Whether, I am a male or female will likely have a major influence on the development of my individual sexuality. FurthermoreRead MoreThe Between Power And Corruption1679 Words   |  7 Pageswere innately drawn to power. For the purpose of the study, the researchers defined corruption as, â€Å"Individual moral deterioration that results in an abuse of power for personal gain that contravenes social or moral norms.† (The Oxford Dictionary online, 2000). (Antonakis et al. 2015). Power was defined as, â€Å"Having the discretion and the means to asymmetrically enforce one s will over others† (Sturm Antonakis, in press). Both experiments used what is called a â€Å"Dictator game† (Antonakis et al.

Herman Melville And Moby Dick Essay Example For Students

Herman Melville And Moby Dick Essay I. Biographical Insights A. The culture this great author was a part of was thetime in American history where inspiring works of literature began to emerge. Itwas also a time when American writers had not completely separated its literaryheritage from Europe, partly because there were successful literary geniusflourishing there. B. Herman Melville was born on August 1, 1819, he was the sonof Allan and Maria Melville. During Hermans childhood he lived in thegood neighborhoods of New York City. In 1832 Herman suffered tragedywhen his father died after trying to cope with the stress of debts andmisfortunes. After a short time in a business house in New York City, Hermandetermined he needed to go to sea. He spent years traveling on a variety ofships, including whaling ships. C1. Melvilles perspective on life is that Godcreated the universe with an infinite number of meanings and man is alwaystrying to determine one specific meaning. D2. The lessons thatMelville is likely to weave into hi s writing are 1. An exposition on whales andthe whaling industry. 2. A commentary on the universe and human destiny. 3. Thoughts about God and Nature. III. Characters B. The protagonist in this bookis Ishmael, a Christian, schoolteacher and part-time sailor. Ishmaels role inthe hunt for Moby Dick is to interpret what is happening. Hediscusses his reasons for going to sea and interprets and looks forunderstanding a number of reasons for any specific action where other charactersonly understand one reason. C. It is hard to say what changes take place inIshmaels personality, since he is the narrator he doesnt talk about himself,he only talks about what he sees. D1. Ishmael befriends Queequeg who is acannibal. Even though Queequeg is very ugly Ishmael sees that Queequeg has anhonest heart, great honor, and a lot of courage. This friendship had a positiveinfluence on Ishmaels behavior because it taught him not to judge on outwardappearances. E2. Another relationship that was very short was the relationshipbetween Ishmael and Captain Ahab. For the first few days aboard the PequodIshmael always saw Ahab in t he shadows. When Ishmael finally saw Ahab he hadshivers run through his body. Ishmael felt Ahabs attitude of determination,dedication and hatred towards Moby Dick in Ahabs appearance. Thisrelationship was a negative relationship because Ishmael now feared Ahab and didnot want to become friends with such an evil person. F. The conflict thatIshmael experienced was that he saw how Ahab was such an evil man and thatIshmael was a good natured man and did not want to be corrupted by Ahab. Toresolve this conflict Ishmael stayed away from Ahab. Representative Passage onImagery and Figurative Language Yonder, by the ever-brimming goblets rim,the warm waves blush like wine. The gold brow plumbs the blue. The diversun?long dived from noon,?goes down; my soul mounts up! she wearies with herendless hill. Is, then, the crown too heavy that I wear? this Iron Crown ofLombardy. Yet is it bright with many a gem; I, the wearer, see not its farflashings; but darkly fell that I wear that, that dazzlingl y confounds. ?Tisiron?that I know?not gold. ?Tis split, too?that I feel; the jagged edgegalls me so, my brain seems to beat against the solid metal. Chapter LV A. The details being used to make us feel like we are watching a sunset is that itsays the warm waves blush like wine. The gold brow plumbs the blue. Thediver sun?long dived from noon,?goes down; my soul mounts up! B. Thesimiles the author uses are the comparison of the colored waves of the sunset towine. I believe that when the author is talking about the Iron Crown ofLombardy he is talking about the sun. When it says Is, then, thecrown too heavy that I wear? he is talking about the sunrise as the sunfirst starts ascending. I think that noon is where it is says Yet is itbright with many a gem; I, the wearer, see not its far flashings;. I alsothink that ?Tis iron?that I know?not gold. ?Tis split, too?thatI feel; the jagged edge galls me so, my brain seems to beat against the solidmetal. means he wants to take off the crown signifying sunset. IV. .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 , .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .postImageUrl , .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 , .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:hover , .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:visited , .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:active { border:0!important; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:active , .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08 .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub86a1ab7e5ccfd77624fb68f751b0e08:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Role Of Religion Dr. Faustus EssaySymbolism / Allusions D. The objects that are representative of larger ideas areMoby Dick who is a symbol of all of the things in the universe. The color of thewhale being white could mean so many different and conflicting things that itcant be narrowed down to one meaning. The coffin that was turned into a buoythat saved Ishmaels life could suggest that the meaning of any object lies inthe beholder of the object not the object itself. The place that is arepresentative of a larger idea is the sea. The sea represents a mans life, itsymbolizes the fears that a man must overcome in life in order to gain a fullerunderstanding of life. B. The s ea is a constant presence throughout the novel. As the sea is constantly in the background of the scene. C. References toprevious literature are outlines on the Sperm Whale, but the literature he isreferring to do not have name of the works only the names of the authors. I know of only four published outlines of the great Sperm Whale: Colnett,Huggins, Frederick Cuviers, and Beales. E. Representative Passage on Toneand Authors Philosophy What a pity they didnt stop up the chinks and thecrannies though, and thrust in a little lint here and there. But its too lateto make any improvements now. The universe is finished; the copestone is on, andthe chips were carted off a million years ago. Chapter II A. The metaphorsMelville is using indicates the condition of man and about mans uncertainty inthe universe we live in. His tone is that of questioning man choosing his owndestiny through his own actions. Melvilles attitude is that of Mans absoluteinsignificance in the universe. There is nothing Man can do to improve thepresent state of the universe once he has acted on his decision. F. Aspects ofhis philosophy which can be inferred is Mans continual struggle with himself inthis universe. The vastness of the universe and mans place in it is difficultfor the av erage man to comprehend. At best he can just figure out one meaning,but there could be more. I. Evaluation F. This novel has influenced my attitudesand beliefs on the destiny of man and has shown me that there is more than oneview of every object. It showed me that I need to be open minded and examinethings from more than one point of view before I judge the object. G. In thisnovel one of the authors goals was of indicating the condition of man and aboutmans uncertainty in the universe we live in. Melville also shows the readerabout Mans absolute insignificance in the universe. H. I believe the author wasvery successful in achieving these goals. Herman did a great job of representingobjects with things of deeper meaning. Throughout the book you are shown Mansinsignificance in the universe by the relationship of the crew to the ocean. Youare also shown of how a Mans decision once executed cant be changed, anexample of that is when Captain Ahab throws the spear into Moby Dick. The spe arsrope got wrapped around Ahabs neck and when the whale dove Ahab went with it. There was nothing Ahab could do to escape. I. The topics in this novel are verytrue but an adventure loving reader will read this book and focus on what wenton rather than what the novel was trying to say. This book could be significantto a reader who wants to know about Mans relation to the universe. Thedifference this novel will have on society is that it will help a person findtheir relation to the universe. .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f , .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .postImageUrl , .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f , .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:hover , .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:visited , .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:active { border:0!important; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:active , .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue24b72d7b14d3f90c64542828dde227f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Individual Retirement Accounts: Why Bother? EssayBibliographyMelville, Herman. Moby Dick, Spencer Press, Inc. 1936 WebmasterUnknown. Herman Melville, Internet. 10/01/96 Available WWW: Unknown. Moby Dick, Internet. 10/01/96 Available WWW:*censored*.html

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lord Of Flies Essay Research Paper Field free essay sample

Lord Of Flies Essay, Research Paper Field of Dreams Was Ray Kinsella a exultant hero who dared to populate his dreams, or simply an insane madman who blindly followed voices thatcould merely be heard within the confines of his head? Although either of these theories could be argued successfully, the ideathat this audacious adult male was so a hero is supported by a list of features that by and large indicate a classical hero. In the film, Field of Dreams, Ray Kinsella was introduced to the viewing audiences as an ordinary adult male, populating an ordinary life, in anordinary town. Conversely, he was given the extraordinary supernatural ability to resuscitate a figure of famous persons from both theworld of baseball and literature who had been dead for many old ages. Kinsella related to common people, but possessedpowers that are non merely uncommon, but finally cold. Although non a sap, Ray Kinsella was besides non unbeatable. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord Of Flies Essay Research Paper Field or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For illustration, he was forced to cover with licking and hopelessnessthroughout his travels. Once, he misunderstood a message given to him and journeyed to a topographic point that he was non called to goto. But, being the bright and resourceful individual he was, he was non discouraged and continued to persist. Ray Kinsella was called upon by forces left unknown to the viewing audiences and himself to travel on both a physical journey every bit good as ajourney of the bosom. After hearing voices proclaiming, # 8220 ; If you build it, they will come, # 8221 ; Ray risked the economic and emotionalstability of the household he loved in a heartfelt way to construct a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was extremely disbelieving, but finally herealized the significance of his vague naming. Upon the completion of the baseball field, # 8220 ; Shoeless Joe Jackson # 8221 ; , the baseballplayer who had been his male parent s hero before he passed off, all of a sudden appeared in th e field to speak with Ray and to playbaseball. As the secret plan progressed, Ray continued to have messages. After each new message, Ray was called upon tofurther his journey. This journey involved going to assorted metropoliss around the United States, every bit good as confronting issues withinhimself that he has successfully hidden from for old ages. The ground for his journey, and the way to follow were neer clearly manifested to Ray Kinsella. Blind religion and possibly a bitmythically guided of insanity were all that drove him to go on on his journey. Throughout his journey, Ray neer one time knewwhere the following piece to the mystifier was located. Merely at the terminal of his journey was it at last made clear to him the intent forhis pursuit. Old ages ago, when Ray was an stripling, he had a falling out with his male parent that he neer resolved. After the deathof his male parent, John Kinsella, Ray was overcome with a sense of guilt and emptiness due to the fact that th e atrocious struggle withhis male parent would neer be resolved. Completing his journey allowed him to do damagess with his asleep male parent and alleviatehimself of the ageless load of neer forgiving his male parent or being forgiven himself for the painful words they had exchanged.During his journey, Ray faced danger and solitariness every bit good as enticement. Ray plowed down his maize field, his lone beginning ofincome, to construct the baseball field and placed himself and his household in danger of los ing his house and land. This besides placed his relationship with his darling married woman and girl in hazard. Loneliness seemed to follow Ray wherever he traveled. Hecontinuously felt that no 1, including himself, knew what he was making or where he was headed. At one point in the storyRay Kinsella was tempted to give up his pursuit and travel back place to Iowa to re-establish economic every bit good as emotionalsecurity. Tenacity prevailed, though, and he was able to suppress these obstructions. Terrence Mann, a celebrated writer from the1970 s, was provided to Ray as a friend to help him on his journey. Although, at first, Terrence and Ray did non look toagree or even acquire along, as clip passed and they came to cognize each other more exhaustively, they became highly supportivecompanions. If non for Mr. Mann, Ray might hold given up this unique and rare chance to decide a struggle he would haveotherwise been burdened by for the remainder of his life. Ray Kinsella received counsel for his journey through a series of message s sent to him. Although the beginning of the messageswas neer to the full revealed, the messages played an highly of import function in the events of the journey. If non for the voice, Raymight neer have been cognizant of this chance to settle the distressing differences between his male parent and himself. The darkness that Ray descended into was one of confusion every bit good as hopelessness. During the journey, Ray watched hismarriage Begin to fall to pieces and his economic stableness diminish. He became progressively uneasy about the intent for thejourney and considered abandoning the quest to return place and restart the life he had left behind. As he witnessed thereaction of others to his naming, he was challenged, as many people throughout history have been, with following his deepestintuition, or conforming to the criterions of others. After the intent of his pursuit was revealed to him, Ray s hope wasrestored and he was instilled with a new sense of religion and wisdom ab out life. His discord into and Ascension from darknesswere cardinal events in his journey that changed the manner he looked at both himself and life in general. What Ray Kinsella was looking for was the ground for the messages being sent to him, but while he continued to seek for themeaning of the messages he found peace within himself. In the beginning, Ray was non consciously cognizant that the ground for hisquest was to happen a agency by which he could do damagess with his male parent. In the terminal though, merely by seeking for what themysterious messages meant, he was able to accommodate with his male parent and come to peace with himself. Though Ray Kinsella fit the general features that describe a classical hero, he besides demonstrated gallantry in many other ways. He was honest, baronial, lovingness, compassionate, and low. It is of import non merely to judge gallantry by a generic list of features, but besides to analyze the character and purposes of an person every bit good. M O R E F R E E E S S A Y S! This essay displayed with permission from writer ( see above ) . The writer # 8217 ; s permission must be sought if you wish to expose this essay elsewhere. Try these sites: Top 12 Essay Sites | Top 50 Essay Sites | Top 100 Essay Sites | Links Page

Monday, March 16, 2020

The effects of water essays

The effects of water essays I have chosen to write my paper on the effects that we have on our most important resource, water. The article I chose to go along with my paper was out of The Detroit News 5-24-00. The article discussed the problems that Metro Detroit has had with their outbreaks of e. coli in many of the area beaches. After reading the article I thought that it would be a great idea to look further into the problems our country faces with water and the way we use it. In the past fifty years nations have gone to war over oil. In the next fifty years we are going to go to war over water (Simon 18). The current world population of approximately 5.9 Billion will double in the next forty -ninety years. To further compound the water shortages, human consumption of water is rising twice as fast as the population. The exponential population growth has a severe effect on the amount of water being used and the amount of pollutants that go back into it. Take for example the problems that people in California are having with water and trying to get it. Californias current water use is unsustainable. In many areas, ground water is being used at a rate that exceeds the rate of natural replenishment. Fish and wildlife species are being destroyed by withdrawal of water, as well as by development. Official projections are that water demand will exceed available supplies in the year 2020 (Simon 18). California is the nations most populated state with over 1,400 reservoirs and the most sophisticated water supply system in the world (Rosenbaum 167). However it appears from studies that they wi ll be experiencing some severe water shortages in the years to come. Many things have led to the shortages in California especially over population and desiccation. Towards the beginning of the century, Los Angeles understood that they would have problems, so they purchased Owens Lake the third largest body of water in the state. Today it is called Owens Dry Lake because ...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Apush Outline

The Bonds of Empire, 1660-1750 o Rebellion and War, 1660-1713 ? Before Restoration (1660), England made little attempt to weld colonies ? Royal Centralization, 1660-1688 †¢ Restoration monarchs disliked representative government †¢ Charles II rarely called parliament into session after 1674, and none after 1681 †¢ James II wanted to rule as absolute monarch o Meant he would never face an elected legislation †¢ These 2 kings had little sympathy for Am.   RI, and Plymouth into Dominion of New Eng. o 1688= NY and the Jerseys came in o Sir Edmund Andros became governor of Dominion of New Eng. ? The Glorious Revolution in England and America, 1688-1689 †¢ Charles II converted to Catholicism on deathbed †¢ Eng. olerated James’ conversion to Catholicism b/c his heirs (Mary and Anne) were Anglican †¢ Bloodless revolution of 1688=Glorious revolution o Created limited monarchy in Eng. ? Promised to summon parliament once a yr. , sign all its bills, and respect traditional civil liberties o William and Mary (now king and queen of eng. after they overthrew James) dismantled Dominion of New Eng. o NY rebelled with Leisler’s Rebellion ? The Enlightenment †¢ In 1750 the Enlightenment’s greatest contributions to Am. life still lay in the future. A quarter-century later, Anglo-Am. drew on the enlightenment’s revolutionary ideas as they declared their independence from Britain and created the foundations of a new nation †¢ It was an age of optimism, tempered by the realistic recognition of the sad state of the human condition and the need for major reforms. The Enlightenment was less a set of ideas than it was a set of attitudes. At its core was a critical questioning of traditional institutions, customs, and morals. ? The Great Awakening †¢ In New England, the Great Awakening was influential among many Congregationalists †¢ In the Middle and Southern colonies, the Awakening was influential among Presbyterians and other dissenting Protestants. †¢ A time of increased religious activity. The revival began with Jonathan Edwards, a well-educated theologian and Congregationalist minister from Northampton, Massachusetts, who came from Puritan and Calvinist roots, but emphasized the importance and power of immediate, personal religious experience. †¢ Edwards’ sermons were powerful and attracted a large following. o Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, is his most famous sermon. †¢ The Methodist preacher George Whitefield, visiting from England, continued the movement, traveling across the colonies and preaching in a more dramatic and emotional style, accepting everyone into his audiences.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The freedom of the children and the sins of the fathers Essay

The freedom of the children and the sins of the fathers - Essay Example Given this dual nature, some good advice may generate bad results, and vice-versa. The point being that one truly never knows the outcome of what one does until one has done it, and given this uncertainty, one should hold individual freedom in a high regard, and furthermore, one should be cautious in the advice that one dispenses, because good intentions don't necessarily translate in good results. I think that Michael's father was thoroughly cautious in his advice. The essence of his message was of respect for free will, as well as of a warning at the entanglement of perspectives, ideas and half-truths that human interaction often consists of. A half truth is what happens not when one lies, but when one does not know the whole of the truth. And I believe that the nature of his advice implied that he knew more than his boisterous and passionate youth of a son. It's basically a matter of committed relativism. Maybe his father realized something that Michael could never have, being part of a younger generation, who never witnessed first-hand the horrors of Nazi Germany. Maybe his insight allowed him to fathom that maybe Hanna was seeking redemption trough punishment.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Portrait Photography Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Portrait Photography Survey - Essay Example Markets of portrait photography include restaurants, taverns, stores and business premises. These organizations use portrait photos to reach out to their consumers (Kelby 36). This is because portrait photos are more appealing and conspicuous to motorists, pedestrians and other road users as they are normally attractive. Portrait photographers make money by making saleable portraits which they sale them to businesses which use them for advertisement purposes their websites and in local television programs. On the other hand portrait photographers make sales when they are hired to make photo shoots in institutions’ events such as graduations and in special occasions such as in church weddings. Requirements of a portrait photography business is photography equipment which should be modest, several pieces of cloth for backdrop ,lenses with good magnification, some sources of light and a tripod stand (Wilsh 47). These equipments should be of lightest weight so as to make them more portable thereby easing movement. Portrait photography has undergone a list of trends over the past years. A few decades ago, images were in a black and white portrays, that evolved to hand coloring pencils then to hand coloring paints. Currently, images are taken using digital cameras, which produce neat colored photographs. These advancements are attributed to progress in the new technology which has been given abreast. Location of portrait photography is mostly influenced by the subject; this is the intention of the photographer. If the intended expression involves environmental aspects like natural features, then a rain forest would be the best location. However if the photographer is new to the business then simplicity should guide him or her. He/she should look for the simplest places. To enhance more effects, studio photographers should concentrate more on improving the background of the

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Colonialism in India Essay -- British Invasion, Massive Boycotts

The British invasion formed into a historical development of British colonialism in India. Despite India under the British rule, Mahatma Gandhi played an important role in gaining Independence. He not only changed India but also strongly fought for India's independence, using various strategies. The British Empire ruled as long as they could to reform India both politically and socially. India was the first major Asian civilizations to fall victim to European predatory activities (Duiker 31). With conquering India, the British had various purposes behind it. Their main purpose was to achieve a monopolistic trading position (The Economic and Social Impact of Colonial Rule in India). The second purpose was the control of India; this was a key element in the world power structure, in terms of geography, logistics and military manpower (The Economic and Social Impact of Colonial Rule in India). When the East India Company continued to trade under the British, huge armies were created, largely composed of Indian sepoys (Marshall). The armies were used to defend the Company’s territories protect the Indian states (Marshall). With major control over India, the British used a combination of firepower & guile to consolidate their power over the country by expanding from their base areas along the coast into the interior (Duiker 31). Some territories were also taken over the privately run East India Company, which at the time was given authority to administer Asian territories under British occupation, while others were ruled by local maharajas (Duiker 31). British governance brought order and stability to a society that had recently been wrecked by the wars from the different empires (Duiker 31). Since the British wanted to refo... ...tween the Hindus and Muslims, Jinnah felt that Muslims had no future in India (Overfield 216). With the end of British rule in 1947, not only did India gain its independence but also along with it was born an other country, Pakistan where Jinnah served as the first governor (Overfield 216). With the gain of India’s independence, Gandhi was shot the following year in 1948 by a Hindu zealot who resented his commitment to Hindu – Muslim harmony (Overfield 212). Despite numerous conflicts with the British and with the Muslims, India fought for its rights by doing what they felt was right. India under the British rule had some benefits as the new school system and outlawing sati but they did manage to trouble the Indians with taxation and other laws. Gandhi who was an outstanding, important figure in India’s way for independence who taught to fight with nonviolence.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Lombard conception of justice

Though it is very little known of the specific details of Lombard life, the Lombard legal codes have been preserved for a modern generation in a Latin document known as the Lombard Laws. The group of editors has arranged a wide collection of readings, related to the progress of Western civilization, from various historical epochs and all regions of Europe under the title Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civilizations. In this book in Chapter 8 called Rome’s Three Heirs: The Byzantine, Islamic, and Early Medieval Worlds we can find a reliable source of information on Lombard legislation concept. The Lombard Laws were presented in a codification of the prevailing German customs relating to family, kingship, marriage, social obligation, possessions, and resolving conflicts. These Laws were written down between the middle of the seventh and the middle of the eighth centuries under the direction of several Lombard kings. The earlier laws were issued by King Rothair in 643. The Lombard Laws partially were aimed at avoiding the blood feud or vendetta. This was a kind of traditional form of redress in society at that time. If a member of the clan was wronged, his family would often injure or kill the offending party, launching a blood feud that could last for generations. However, during the transformation to farming life and living in fixed communities, traditional methods of violence and retribution could have disturbed the population too much. Thus the Lombard Kings sought to replace violent blood feuds with a monetary penalty called composition that was paid directly to the person harmed by a crime (or their family). These penalties were expressed in solidi (a monetary unit), and they were closely related to the wergeld (personal worth) of an individual in society. Also the laws served for strict protection of the property and produce of a family. For example crime of selling another man's property without permission entailed very serious consequences for the infringer – the guilty party is required to return the stolen property eightfold, unless they can proclaim their innocence in front of witnesses. The use of witnesses testifies the increasing sophistication of the Lombard society. These laws are important from historical point of view as far as they present the description of the values and beliefs of early medieval Italians and give the picture of how a new empire is founded (that is a Germanic, illiterate culture merges with a Roman, literate one). References: Brophy, James, et al. Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civilizations. 2nd ed. 2 vols. W.W. Norton and Company, 2002.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Cost of Poor Quality in Banking - 3462 Words

Industrial research report COST OF POOR QUALITY SUBMITED TO: MR. AZHAR NISAR LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Mr. At Gulistan-e-Johur Karachi. RESEARCH VISIT BY STUDENTS Dear Sir, Assalam o alikum Bahria University is federally accredited University based at Islamabad with its campus at Karachi. University is educating is students in the fields the of management science, computer, Engineering, Medical and Dental Surgery. Management science students are guided to carry out subject based research in various business and corporate organizations. This enhances their abilities to think independently and resolve the management problems logically. Some students of BBA-7 have selected your bank to carry out research with reference†¦show more content†¦Particular attention should be given to the cost of poor quality and to customers views about the relative importance of the attributes of service. If the cost of quality is high, looking through the Six Sigma, the cost of poor quality is still higher. Companies bear a huge cost of about 9-16 percent of their revenues on problem solving. COPQ can take in the following forms: †¢ cost generated from producing defective material †¢ cost involved in fulfilling the gap between the desired and actual product or service quality †¢ cost of lost opportunity due to the loss of resources used in fixing the defect, including all the labor cost, rework cost, disposition costs and material costs that have been added to the unit up to the point of rejection †¢ appraisal cost if there is an inspection point Banks are fined for failing to provide accurate transaction reports to the FSA and for serious weaknesses in systems and controls in relation to transaction reporting. One there is the reputational damage that comes from being fined and then there is the cost of correcting errors and fixing the defective processes. It is seen that companies ignore the cost quality analysis, overlooking its potential significance and end up paying failure cost. 1†¦ how does employee involvement support in TQM. If u r required develop program. What elements would u include? 2†¦ think of a team u have been on recently. It could be aShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Credit From Multiple Lenders1148 Words   |  5 Pagesconsidering the cost incurred when it is denied credit by its bank for reasons. As an illustration, a temporary liquidity shortage leads the bank to be forced to deny credit even to its loyal borrowers. Hence, given these possibility and risk of not being able to raise funding from an alternative bank for the first time, it may be worth to initiate and maintain multiple lending relationships despite the costs is needed. 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